We help your business succeed.


Account Preparation

We can take care of the tasks of regular account preparation, quarterly and annually for having business’ financial records up to date and in good order.

Auditing of
annual accounts

We take the hassle out of managing your finances and financial records.

Advising on tax matters

We advise on how to minimise your taxes.

Feasibility Study /
Business Plan write-ups

We pride ourselves on being among the top Feasibility Study / Business Plan write-up specialists of the country.

About Us

We are an accountancy firm comprising a team of experienced and dedicated Chartered Certified Accountants, corporate financial advisers, and tax consultants. Our Firm represents a coalition of specialized skills geared towards adding visible value to our clients’ businesses by helping them to fully optimize all their available resources and minimize their tax burdens.

Our Vision and Mission Statement

Our Vision is to see Mauritius become an island of entrepreneurs. Our Mission is to help every entrepreneur become the proud owner of a highly profitable enterprise.





By the way, allow us to mention that we are:

  • Member of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants
  • Member of the Mauritius Institute of Professional Accountants (MIPA is the licensing Authority for all accountants in Mauritius)

Basic questions

Do you keep verifiable accounting records?

Do you prepare proper accounts each year or each quarter as required?

Do you submit all required Returns to the relevant authorities in time (to avoid penalties)?

Don’t run scared!

Get in touch with us. We shall do the needful as per your instructions. We have a very amicable team of professionals and collaborators ready to assist you, if need be right at your business premises.

Our fees are affordable & are payable by installments.

Do you need
Professional Help?


  • Accounts preparation or tax reduction tips
  • Auditing your accounts
  • Feasibility Study / Business Plan write-ups
  • Returns to Registrar of Companies
  • Other financial services  (VAT, TDS, NPS, Cash Flows, etc.) 


Quality Over Quantity

We have a reputation for technical excellence, closeness with our clients, and quick delivery of services especially where arrears in accounts or arrears in tax are concerned.

Our Location

Wish to talk to our Chief Executive?
Book an appointment with Mr. Daya Toolsee, F.C.C.A

Allow us to add that he is member of:

  1. The Chartered Association of Certified Accountants
  2. The American Accounting Association
  3. The American Tax Association
  4. He is also licensed by the Financial Reporting Council of Mauritius as an Auditor.

Give us a call one of these days if you feel we may be of assistance to you.

Address: 1st Floor, 10 Mgr. Gonin Street, Port Louis, Mauritius
Mobile: (230) 253 2053